Choosing the Right US Immigration Lawyer in London
The US immigration process can be confusing, complex and time-consuming and many individuals chose to have a US immigration lawyer represent them in their visa application.
Why hire a US Immigration Lawyer?
Inter alia, retaining a US immigration lawyer can help you:
Minimise costly mistakes. Visa delays and visa denials costs can quickly
add up, in addition to the personal toll such events can take on applicants;
Minimise visa denial risks by ensuring that you qualify for the US immigration
visa you are seeking and that you have the appropriate required documents;
Save time filling out forms and, more importantly, learning about US immigration
Benefit from knowledgeable legal assistance should your case hit roadblocks
such as being issued a Request for Further Evidence, a Notice of Intent
to Deny, and other similar problems.
How do I Choose a US Immigration Lawyer?
5 Tips for Choosing an Immigration Lawyer in London
A good US immigration lawyer can be a powerful ally in providing an honest case assessment and progressing your case to obtain a US visa. Choosing the right lawyer for you is an important step in the process.
- Beware of fraud. Unfortunately, US immigration is a field in which many fraudsters who are not US immigration lawyers prey on people's hopes and dreams. Calling themselves 'immigration consultants' (or notaries, notarios, paralegals, or other similar names), they are not qualified under US law to provide US immigration legal advice. Generally, such individuals promise guaranteed results but, as soon as you part with your money, they disappear without obtaining your visa. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! Only a US lawyer (or an accredited representative, if such accreditation is available in the particular US state) is legally permitted to provide advice about US law. Read more about this important issue on the Stop Notario Fraud website created by AILA and the Avoid Scams website created by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
- Run an AILA Lawyer search. The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is a professional legal organisation of more than 12,000 lawyers located in the USA and around the world. While not mandatory, AILA membership is a significant benchmark in assessing a lawyer's commitment to the practice of US immigration law and in staying up to date with ever changing US immigration regulations. You can search the AILA Lawyer website for free at
- Check whether the lawyer exclusively practices US immigration law. For some lawyers, US immigration law forms a small part of their practice, instead focusing on other areas of law such as business or taxation. If you would like to retain someone who handles US visa matters on a daily basis, staying up to date with the latest US immigration law and procedure, you may wish to opt for a lawyer who exclusively dedicates his or her entire practice to US immigration law.
- Read former clients' feedback. Former clients are best positioned to describe what you can expect if you retain the particular lawyer. For instance, does the lawyer have a high volume practice where your file will be one of many dozens, or will the lawyer pay personal attention to your case? As a client of the firm, if you have questions about your case, will the attorney answer your questions him or herself or will you speak to a paralegal? The answers to these and many other questions can be gleaned from former client testimonials.
- Ensure that the lawyer's work style is a good fit for you. There is no such thing as the "best US immigration lawyers in London"; the best lawyer for your case may not be the best lawyer for your friend's case. As different lawyers have different work styles, it is helpful to get an understanding of how the law firm functions and whether this would be a good fit for your needs and personal preferences. For instance, some firms rely on technology to work with clients via online secure methods, while others have a more traditional 'face to face meetings' approach. Some individuals prefer working with their lawyer remotely so that they can access documents from anywhere and eliminate the need to take time off work for meetings. Conversely, others may not feel very comfortable with email and other technology and may prefer a traditional approach. Whatever your preference, ensure that the lawyer's work style is a good fit for you.